I would like to prepare a perfect place for poem lovers and authors, where will be possible to add their own poems with links to paid content for example a book. I adore the poems and am very sorry about how little they are listened to or readed compared to...

  • December 31, 2023

The party… I often, often sit down at the table. The lantern light illuminates the parties of my room. I still the stirrings of grief And I still my sorrows in soft singing. Silence is in the room, the feathers are heard to murmur, that puts thoughts to paper And...

  • October 25, 2024

The lightning of the bright dawn flashedover the hills, over the mountains:roar, Slovak fields,Freedom calls us to action.Up, for honour, freedomof the Slovak nation! Who are Slovak by soul, by lineage,now declare yourself to the nation;equality of rights, new life,unshackles the mouth, unshackles the fetters.Up, for honour, freedomof the Slovak...

  • October 25, 2024

Silence hosts peace and death Comfortable suede girl in patent shoes See what a match every time Then it’s a freedom unknown Out of open combat comes a question unknown The maple tree will adorn itself with leaves even without me The question will ask itself what’s the point No...

  • October 21, 2024
GTM Kit Event Inspector: